![]() Life is interesting. We think we know things to be certain. Then, you read quantum physics and wonder what is real or isn't real, hold the hand of someone you love while they are dying, celebrate a wedding or birth, or find yourself in a mystical place on an ordinary day for 'no reason' and it shifts dramatically. I'm a bit woowoo ~ I'm not sure how to sum that up concisely let alone completely. I wear and utilize the benefits of essential oils, have studied herbology, will use "alternatives" (Reiki, EFT, Theta, etc.) before allopathic medicine. I have Buddhas in my house beside my crosses and books on enlightenment, yoga and the kama sutra beside my Bibles. I say all this because we are living in a time of upheaval. If you don't feel it, good for you (really)! And, whether you call is stress, anger, Divine Feminine rising, cultural clashes, fights for equality vs. status quo or something else entirely...it's happening. It's so easy to get disheartened if you believe, on either side of the issues, that something you have or want is being threatened, taken away or long over due in coming. I'll start with saying the change has already come...equality, fairness, justice, the Golden Rule, caring for others and the planet, merging of science and religion...it's here. It may still be saturating us and our planet, but these are ideas whose time have come. So, we have a choice - to jump into the flow and see where we are taken by God, Source, Intuition, the Divine, Nature, Universal Life Force or whatever you define The Energy of the Universe. Or, we can fight the change, lash out at others, grab for what's there and horde. In the end, that which needs to fall away will...and that which is left will Rise. The difference is how much suffering we experience based on our jumping into flow or resisting it. The issue with all this (oh so many issues) is that people are harmed, maimed and killed in the process. That life feels like a choke-hold on too many of us. That people give-up vs. surrender, or give-in instead of finding their voice and speaking it. This, I lay out to let you know that you are not alone if you are struggling; to provide Hope and to share some tools to support your day-to-day efforts on navigating unsure terrain. If you follow my Facebook or Instagram pages for Blossom With Oils (stay tuned for changes to those both), you know I often discuss my toolbox - it's filled with modalities like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), essential oils, savoring whole foods and clean water, spending time in nature, journaling, reading, being selective in what media I allow into my world (and people), walking, exercising, cussing (I'm honest), savoring dark chocolate, yoga and more. Today, I'm sharing something VERY simple that anyone, on any budget, anywhere in the world can use to help recenter - Grounding. Sometimes called Earthing, research shows walking, sitting on or lying barefoot on grass, dirt or sand provides us numerous health benefits that range from offsetting free radicals (those are the buggers that age us biologically); enhancing sleep; aiding the body's ability to address pain management, inflammation, immunity and stress management; to boosting mood. And, it's FREE! This effect is scientifically backed and a result of the exchange of ions between Gaia (earth) and our bodies' energy fields. If you can get outside and walk barefoot where you are at (safely) - do it. It can be in your yard, the local park or garden, a beach or trail. Hug a tree, run through a field, smell the flowers. If you can soak in the sea or a lake safely - do it. If you can sit under a tree and read or play with a child or pet - do it. If you can walk someone's dog for them - do it (and maybe make a bit of money, too). If you can garden (your own, at a community garden or park) - do it. However, if you can't - for reasons that range from not having those areas available to being in the midst of inclement weather - you can still enjoy some of grounding's benefits by being creative and improvising! (Trust me, I know - I wasn't about to walk barefoot outside in 15F weather this past winter - but I will also say, my 12 year old dog and I DID walk using appropriate gear and common sense). Can you visit an area botanical garden or other indoor space with plenty of plants to sit by or stroll among? In urban areas, many shopping plazas and malls are interspersed with vegetation. Do you have or can you purchase a plant (or bring one from outside in for the winter) that you can mindfully nurture? By taking a few minutes a day to check it's leaves, give it a gentle touch as you walk by, meditate near it or about it, you are benefiting from the energy it has to offer. Engage with that plant! Take it to the sea! "But, I don't have access to an ocean or lake." No? But, you may very well have access to a bathtub or even a tub/bucket to soak your feet in and that's a wonderful option. We humans are, biologically speaking, basically a bunch of cells floating in a saline solution. By, soaking our bodies or feet in a mix of Epsom salts or non-iodized salt and water, we relax our bodies, restore energy and clear out toxins all at the same time. For true indulgence, add baking soda and Lavender essential oil for grounding + detox! If you have crystals - meditate while holding one or more of them. Take a bath with them. Hold them mindfully noticing the texture and temperature of the piece. (Rocks work, too). Then, of course, there is always food! Fruits, veggies, herbs, spices, chocolate and tea all come from the earth and are innately filled with wisdom, nutrients and life-giving energy. A word of wisdom - think less processed here. An apple instead of apple turnover, dark chocolate and cacao vs. milk and cocoa, etc. While food deserts exist all over this nation and across the globe - most of us have access to something in its natural form and the simple act of blessing our food/mindfully preparing it can make an immense difference in how we are nourished body, mind and spirit by what we consume. Take a few moments to notice the texture, color, scent and flavors of what you are holding, eating, sipping. Enjoy it. None of these hitting the spot, affordable or available? Then go back to the most basic of basics...stand in a rain shower (mindful of lightening) or snow fall (bundled up, of course), or let the breeze or sunshine caress your face. While grounding and other forms of self-care seem like luxuries, most of us grew up following our innate wisdom to connect with nature whether we lived in a hut, city apartment, on a farm or somewhere in between. We are designed to spend time outdoors as WE ARE NATURE. It's in embracing this fact and spending time connecting to Nature, even in incremental doses, that we allow ourselves to be restored physically, emotionally, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and energetically. THIS...this is living deliciously along the nourished path! Have ideas you'd like to share? Questions you'd like answered? Just want to chat? Drop me a line at [email protected].
How many folks are tired of well-meaning people saying things like “just let it go” or “holding onto anger isn’t good for you”?
As we’ve all experienced at one time or another, letting go seems to glide in with grace when we least expect it. When we seek it or work at it, it’s elusive and tormenting in its scarcity. After some personal emotional wreckage this past week and the global trauma of another mass shooting, I woke-up optimistic, but dodgy. I could feel the sizzle of anger and resentment just under the surface. So, as those who follow us on Instagram or Facebook (Blossom With Oils) know, I went to my toolkit and pulled out all the stops: a walk with the dog doing EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), followed by moving my muscles (weights), mantra/meditation and stretching/yoga while the diffuser bathed my cells in the scent of Loyalty, Surrender, Valor and Release. Yes, there actually are oils that support us as we navigate the sea of our emotions. While all played a role, today, RELEASE™ was paramount. The floral blend provides a relaxing aroma that supports our ability to let go of anger and frustration. In fact, when diffused, it promotes harmony and balance. And, it helped! Yes, I’m still dealing with anger and frustration, but I also keep returning, again and again, to what works…including organic, therapeutic grade, sustainably harvested and tested essential oils like Release. In fact, part of my plan for tonight includes adding a few drops to a castor oil pack and relaxing to music and a book before bed. It’s really quite simple:
Most of the oil will absorb. Simply rub in what’s left (or wipe off) and drift off to sleep. It’s great support for releasing the muck of living from our bodies, minds and spirits. Of course, you can place a drop or two into your hands, rub in a clockwise circle and inhale directly from your cupped palms instead; inhale directly from the bottle; or diffuse the blend. Note: Release was crafted to help us free emotions, which can be a little disorienting. You may go through a bit of the feels during or after use. All is well, but I like to let folks know ahead of time so they’re not caught off guard. As always, I strongly encourage you to hit the Google bar to delve a bit into the various compounds in essential oils. Release is actually a blend of several oils, including Ylang Ylang, Lavandin, Geranium, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Grapefruit, Lemon, Blue Cypress, Davana, Kaffir Lime, Ocotea, Jasmine, Matricaria, Blue Tansy and Rose, each with a stellar resume of powerful components! Also, please make sure you are using the highest quality, organic, tested, therapeutic grade essential oils as the components literally reach every cell in your body within 20 minutes of exposure (which means if they are not pure, they are carrying toxins to every cell in your body). To purchase Release, essential oils and oil-infused products, or to learn more (and enjoy 24% off products), please visit www.BlossomWithOils.net. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at A[email protected] |
I'm Mary Ann. I am a storyteller using skills, interests, education and experience to help others. Together, we'll explore your story and write a new ending for your journey along the nourished path. Categories
February 2025